
Matsuyama Castle

In 1627 Matsuyama castle was completed and as with many castles it suffered the ravages of time the worst being struck by lightening and burning down. Rebuilt only to suffer again during in the war.

Reason for mentioning this is I watched a video of the ongoing reconstruction and renovations. The work looks straightforward though time consuming but seems to be the most effective method. It is the repetitiveness of design and form that gives the over all impression of simple yet effective lines such as the tiling on the roof. Watching this I wondered how I could apply it to my ikebana work for example the lesson Surface with Massed Lines or working with larger installations. I suppose the answer is work out a method and then repeat with precision so it will maintain the shape.

The other point in the construction was that wood was often in short supply so to eliminate waste methods to join wood was developed, which is an are art form in its own right

It also fascinates me the use of light and shadows, again something that I think is so very important in ikebana arrangements. Light and shadows gives ikebana arrangement an added dimension creating an excitement to the work – not just flowers in a vase. In mentioning the use of shadows I think it is worthwhile reading In Praise of Shadows by Jun’ichiro Tanizaki.