
A day in Hiroshima

My bog stories seem to be turning into a travel log, which I suppose it is true to certain degree. My travels take me through a journey of patterns, designs, and a overabundance of creative ideas but somethings they touch a cord that is hard to describe..

Visiting Hiroshima I made the trek to the Atomic Bomb site only to feel extremely depressed that such devastation can be bestowed on humans – two wrongs do not make a right in anyone’s language. I couldn’t even bring myself to take a photo but the impression is well and truly entrenched in my memory.

The only way to remove this oppressive feeling was to visit beauty. Walking into the Shukkei-en Garden soon fostered a happier disposition. The garden had been almost completely destroyed by the A-bomb but a sole-surviving tree, a grand Gingko still stands in the face of adversity showing that nature will win in the end no matter how ‘ hell bent’ we are on destroying each other. Many people perished here while seeking refuge and their bodies were interred in peace in a beauty forever.

The garden as the name suggests is sunken resembling a lake are in China. A central pond with many inlets creates many peaceful ‘corners’, for beautiful Tea Houses or just to sit and reflect the beauty to calm the soul.