
Teachers' Workshop Friday 11th March

Theme of the lesson Discover New Opportunities – what does this entail – is it to discover how you can move forward in your work of Sogetsu Ikebana or is it discover new properties of the material you are working with.

I think they go hand in hand because one will not discover new properties of the materials and then designs unless you are willing to step outside your comfort zone. One of the best times to do so is during class time because you have the encouragement and support of your Sensei.

My design was two fold because it is the anniversary of the Tsunami 5 years ago and my first arrangement was created in a dark earth coloured container with a whirlpool effect with tortured willow and the tulip rising from the ‘mud’ . To create something so constricted was hard because I like space and the feeling of having to restrict my work was a new feeling.

My second arrangement however was back to my love of lines and freedom. Not one to shy aware from a challenge I worked with Japanese Witch Hazel and one Tulip creating a kenzan free arrangement. Another technique I never worked with is using the extra length on the material to wedge across the container. I am still in two minds whether I like this style.