
The world of small arrangements

Oh, my goodness I have neglected my website possibly because I have been busy working on my Flickr account for my students. If you wish to visit the work here is the link : Flickr

In the meantime, I have been doing arrangements of all description and size so I will start with the smallest – Miniatures

What actually is a miniature? The dictionary states it is ‘something that is much smaller than normal’. But in Sogetsu Ikebana we interpret it slightly differently, taking a section/or fragment of something to show the intricate detail/s. For example, taking a section of a Strelitzia flower and displaying it in a very small container.

To give the arrangement some volume compile several, five or more very small containers into a mini installation on a lacquer board or similar (in my case a piece of hessian from a coffee bean bag) to give form. Each container displaying something new and exciting

I find the most interesting part of Miniature arrangements is discovering new and often unseen parts of a flower. Take time to note the form, texture, colour etc – it’s a whole new world.