
Flower Markets in Delhi

An adventure not to be missed though it may phase a few weak hearted but if you have the strength you must visit Ghazipur Flower Markets.

Heading across Delhi just before sunrise and the traffic turning into the usual ’parking lot’ on every road, four of us crammed into a local taxi and holding tight for the adventure ahead. Approaching the markets the road was lined with trucks, bicycles and anything else that can be used to transport wares. Dropped off right in the markets we stepped into another world – crowds of vendors of all ages, tubs of beautiful flowers, mountains of petals and curtains of roses for offerings. Where do you look, a paradise for photographers.

I found the markets a contradiction to life -small scruffy children sitting in filth stringing leis of flowers to stunning mountains of orchards and roses. The colour so vibrant was a stark contrast to the grim on the ground and the whole market was perfumed by heaps of rose petals.

I wanted to visit the markets not only to experience the wonder but I was in the hunt for material because I was exhibiting the following day at the Conference. As in all markets if you seeing something that takes your breath away buy there and then because it will not be there when you come back – hence I bought the biggest bunch of dahlias for the equivalent for about Aus$10. My other purchase was a branch stripped of bark, delighted with my purchase I continued to be fascinated with my surrounds.

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